Real World Here They Come!

Class of 2017 * Graduation Day  * Senior Portraits

This awesome couple is graduating from CLU this Spring and decided to take portraits together to capture the milestone!  Senior Portraits sittings available in and around Thousand Oaks.

Double the Love and Double the CAKE!

It started with Newborn Photos of this precious pair, then mom booked a first year photo package with me to capture them at 7 months and one year!  What beautiful babies and it is so true what they say about even twins being so very different.  Each person is their own little amazing character.  So happy to be able to share in the celebrations and milestones with my clients.

Oh Baby, It’s a BOY! Newborn Session Thousand Oaks

Both sleepy and smiley, this new little guy was so easy and fun to photograph!  Welcome to the world baby boy!  Are you or someone you know expecting?  Plan for your newborn session now.

Six Month -Sitting Up Photos!

First Year Milestones Package

Includes a Portrait Session around 7 months old when baby is sitting up without assistance and 12 months with a cake for smashing included. Each session includes and online viewing album and your favorite 10 digital files.  Immediate family members are welcome to join in these sessions!  Get in touch for further information

Senior Portraits Class of 2017!

Show your individual style and interests with an outdoor Senior Portrait Session!  Locations include a western town, great industrial backdrops, parks with bridges and the beach!  Whatever your future holds, you can start celebrating your uniqueness with an custom portrait session.

Happy 1st Birthday! Cake smash session Thousand Oaks

Happy 1st birthday to this baby girl and her family!  She tasted the cake but was very civilized about the smashing part!

Headshot Session Thousand Oaks!

When the family relocates to Los Angeles and the kids land an agent right away, you know big things are coming!  Best wishes to this handsome young man!

Mother & Daughter Session

So lovely that this mother-daughter pair live close together and can get together frequently.  I so envy that!


What it takes & tips for a successful session!

I just completed a very full season of family sessions and have some advice for my clients.  When you hire a professional let your photographer do her job and keep these tips in mind:

  • As tempting as it is, be courteous and do not snap photos with other cameras while working with your photographer. This is a huge distraction, especially for kids and pretty offensive to your professional who just set up the perfect pose in the right lighting.
  • When the photographer is working with other subjects, especially kids, please step to the side out of the line of sight and be quiet. Let the photographer give the direction so the subject is looking into the lens and not at you on the sidelines.  Direction from a parent can sound like orders being barked, whereas direction from the photographer can sound like a fun challenge!
  • Keep in mind that kids 5 and under are at their best in the morning hours. Try to book your session early in the day if you anticipate a melt-down from someone being too tired or hungry.  Even in you have a great napper, it never fails that they won’t nap the day of your session.
  • Make sure everyone is well fed prior to the photo session. This will allow for longer attention spans and eliminate the need for snacks during the session.  Snacks not only take up precious time, they also result in full or messy mouths.

With these tips in mind, and the skills of your professional, you should see fantastic results for your portrait keepsakes!